Rock Idols: A New Vision of Dartmoor’s Tors
An illustrated talk with Alex Murdin and Sophie Pierce at 7pm on Tuesday 1st April 2025
An illustrated talk with Alex Murdin and Sophie Pierce at 7pm on Tuesday 1st April 2025
Join us for an evening with Marianne Brown, environmental journalist and author of The Shetland Way : Community and Climate Crisis on My Father’s…
Dogberry & Finch Books is thrilled to be hosting a book signing this Christmas with one of the most renowned, loved and celebrated children’s authors of our time!
Prof. Nick Groom delivered a fascinating, wide-ranging and thoroughly engaging talk, shining new light on Tolkien’s visionary writing, cultural legacy and abiding relevance. What…
A remarkable, sell-out event took place in our little bookshop one July evening as Victoria Bennett travelled all the way from Orkney to Okehampton…
Ahead of the paperback publication of his new book, we’re thrilled to be welcoming Professor Nick Groom to Dogberry & Finch Books to talk about Twenty-First Century Tolkien: What Middle-Earth Means To Us Today.
We’re looking forward to joining a whole host of Devon’s finest purveyors of wordy delights at Exeter City of Literature’s Book Market. Save the…
We’re delighted to be welcoming Victoria Bennett to Okehampton to talk about her new book All My Wild Mothers: Motherhood, Loss and an Apothecary Garden.
Such a magical evening with Hermit author Jade Angeles Fitton in conversation with local author & publisher Elizabeth Ducie. A huge thanks to both…
Join authors Jade Angeles Fitton and Elizabeth Ducie talking about Jade’s new book ‘Hermit: A Memoir of Finding Freedom in a Wild Place’
Join us in the bookshop at 10.30am on Thursday 2nd March for a storytime, activity & music session suitable for younger children, featuring Rachel Bright’s fabulous new picturebook The Gecko and the Echo.
It was a real treat to have award-winning author, editor and horror historian Johnny Mains in Okehampton last week, talking about Celtic Weird: Tales…
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